Luc Perkins 0e3ef9a578
Merge pull request #14 from nothingmuch/csharp
Add C# development environment
2023-06-04 23:31:47 +02:00

205 lines
4.8 KiB

description =
"Ready-made templates for easily creating flake-driven environments";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
outputs = { self, flake-utils, nixpkgs }:
templates = rec {
clojure = {
path = ./clojure;
description = "Clojure development environment";
csharp = {
path = ./csharp;
description = "C# development environment";
cue = {
path = ./cue;
description = "Cue development environment";
dhall = {
path = ./dhall;
description = "Dhall development environment";
elixir = {
path = ./elixir;
description = "Elixir development environment";
elm = {
path = ./elm;
description = "Elm development environment";
gleam = {
path = ./gleam;
description = "Gleam development environment";
go = {
path = ./go;
description = "Go (Golang) development environment";
hashi = {
path = ./hashi;
description = "HashiCorp DevOps tools development environment";
haskell = {
path = ./haskell;
description = "Haskell development environment";
java = {
path = ./java;
description = "Java development environment";
kotlin = {
path = ./kotlin;
description = "Kotlin development environment";
latex = {
path = ./latex;
description = "LaTeX development environment";
nickel = {
path = ./nickel;
description = "Nickel development environment";
nim = {
path = ./nim;
description = "Nim development environment";
nix = {
path = ./nix;
description = "Nix development environment";
node = {
path = ./node;
description = "Node.js development environment";
opa = {
path = ./opa;
description = "Open Policy Agent development environment";
php = {
path = ./php;
description = "PHP development environment";
protobuf = {
path = ./protobuf;
description = "Protobuf development environment";
purescript = {
path = ./purescript;
description = "Purescript development environment";
python = {
path = ./python;
description = "Python development environment";
ruby = {
path = ./ruby;
description = "Ruby development environment";
rust = {
path = ./rust;
description = "Rust development environment";
rust-toolchain = {
path = ./rust-toolchain;
description = "Rust development environment with Rust version defined by a rust-toolchain.toml file";
scala = {
path = ./scala;
description = "Scala development environment";
shell = {
path = ./shell;
description = "Shell script development environment";
zig = {
path = ./zig;
description = "Zig development environment";
# Aliases
rt = rust-toolchain;
} // flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
inherit (pkgs) mkShell writeScriptBin;
exec = pkg: "${pkgs.${pkg}}/bin/${pkg}";
format = writeScriptBin "format" ''
${exec "nixpkgs-fmt"} **/*.nix
dvt = writeScriptBin "dvt" ''
if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo "no template specified"
exit 1
${exec "nix"} \
--experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' \
flake init \
--template \
update = writeScriptBin "update" ''
for dir in `ls -d */`; do # Iterate through all the templates
cd $dir
${exec "nix"} flake update # Update flake.lock
${exec "direnv"} reload # Make sure things work after the update
devShells = {
default = mkShell {
packages = [ format update ];
packages = rec {
default = dvt;
inherit dvt;