{ outputs, pkgs, pkgs-edge, ... }: { nixpkgs = { # You can add overlays here overlays = [ # Add overlays your own flake exports (from overlays and pkgs dir): outputs.overlays.additions outputs.overlays.modifications ]; }; environment.systemPackages = (with pkgs; [ # Custom tools rebuild rebuild-no-inhibit install-nix install-nix-no-inhibit update upgrade # simple-completion-language-server # System tools age alejandra e2fsprogs git git-filter-repo pre-commit helix home-manager htop just killall oh-my-zsh rsync tre-command wget zsh tldr # System libraries ]) ++ (with pkgs-edge; [ # list of latest packages from nixpkgs master # Can be used to install latest version of some packages ]); # fonts = { # packages = with pkgs; [ # noto-fonts-emoji-blob-bin # cantarell-fonts # dejavu_fonts # fira-code # noto-fonts # noto-fonts-cjk-sans # noto-fonts-cjk-serif # paratype-pt-sans # paratype-pt-mono # paratype-pt-serif # roboto # twemoji-color-font # font-awesome # atkinson-hyperlegible # fira-code-nerdfont # ]; # enableDefaultPackages = false; # }; }