{ inputs, outputs, lib, config, pkgs, nixpkgs-stable, ... }: { imports = [ # If you want to use modules your own flake exports (from modules/home-manager): # outputs.homeManagerModules.example # outputs.nixosModules.contabo.wan inputs.home-manager.nixosModules.home-manager # Or modules exported from other flakes (such as nix-colors): # inputs.nix-colors.homeManagerModules.default # You can also split up your configuration and import pieces of it here: # ./nvim.nix ./hardware-configuration.nix # Import shared settings ../../shared # Import server settings ../../server ]; boot.tmp.cleanOnBoot = true; zramSwap.enable = false; networking.domain = ""; services.openssh = { enable = true; # require public key authentication for better security settings.PasswordAuthentication = false; settings.KbdInteractiveAuthentication = false; settings.PermitRootLogin = "no"; }; nixpkgs = { # You can add overlays here overlays = [ ]; # Configure your nixpkgs instance config = { # Disable if you don't want unfree packages allowUnfree = true; }; }; #Set up sops config, and configure where the keyfile is, then set the mode for the unencrypted keys sops.defaultSopsFile = ./secrets/sops.yaml; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ akkoma fzf matrix-conduit docker docker-compose gitea gotosocial alejandra exiftool imagemagick ffmpeg #aria2 #jellyfin #jellyfin-web #jellyfin-ffmpeg nextcloud28 nginx onlyoffice-documentserver postgresql_16 python3 python311Packages.nbconvert jupyter rabbitmq-server roundcube roundcubePlugins.contextmenu roundcubePlugins.carddav roundcubePlugins.custom_from roundcubePlugins.persistent_login roundcubePlugins.thunderbird_labels youtube-dl ]; # Create an auto-update systemd service that runs every day system.autoUpgrade = { flake = "git+https://git.lillianviolet.dev/Lillian-Violet/NixOS-Config.git"; dates = "daily"; enable = true; }; systemd.services.systemd-networkd.serviceConfig.Environment = "SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug"; # Enable networking networking.networkmanager.enable = true; networking.nat.enable = true; networking.nat.internalInterfaces = ["ve-+"]; networking.nat.externalInterface = "ens18"; networking.enableIPv6 = lib.mkForce true; networking.nameservers = [""]; # Contabo ipv6 nameservers: "2a02:c207::1:53" "2a02:c207::2:53" networking.firewall.enable = true; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [22 80 443]; # networking.useNetworkd = true; # networking.useDHCP = false; # modules.contabo.wan = { # enable = true; # macAddress = "00:50:56:43:01:e2"; # changeme # ipAddresses = [ # "" # "2001:db8::1/64" # ]; # }; # Set your time zone. time.timeZone = "Europe/Amsterdam"; programs.git = { enable = true; }; security.acme = { acceptTerms = true; defaults.email = "letsencrypt@gladtherescake.eu"; }; # users.groups.virtualMail = {}; # Enable completion of system packages by zsh environment.pathsToLink = ["/share/zsh"]; home-manager = { extraSpecialArgs = {inherit inputs outputs;}; users = { # Import your home-manager configuration lillian = import ../../../home-manager/hosts/queen; }; }; networking.hostName = "queen"; boot.loader.grub.enable = true; boot.loader.grub.configurationLimit = 3; boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; # https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/When_do_I_update_stateVersion system.stateVersion = "unstable"; }