{ inputs, outputs, lib, config, pkgs, pkgs-edge, ... }: { imports = [ ./locale ./packages ]; sops.age.keyFile = ../../../../../../var/secrets/keys.txt; sops.secrets."lillian-password".neededForUsers = true; #TODO: remove this when unneeded for freetube nixpkgs.config.permittedInsecurePackages = [ #"python3.12-youtube-dl-2021.12.17" ]; nix = { package = pkgs.lix; gc = { automatic = true; dates = "weekly"; options = "--delete-older-than 7d"; }; # This will add each flake input as a registry # To make nix3 commands consistent with your flake registry = lib.mapAttrs (_: value: {flake = value;}) inputs; # This will additionally add your inputs to the system's legacy channels # Making legacy nix commands consistent as well, awesome! nixPath = lib.mapAttrsToList (key: value: "${key}=${value.to.path}") config.nix.registry; settings = { # Enable flakes and new 'nix' command experimental-features = "nix-command flakes"; # Deduplicate and optimize nix store auto-optimise-store = true; extra-substituters = [ "https://cache.lix.systems" "https://nix-community.cachix.org" "https://nixpkgs-unfree.cachix.org" "https://0uptime.cachix.org" ]; trusted-public-keys = [ "cache.lix.systems:aBnZUw8zA7H35Cz2RyKFVs3H4PlGTLawyY5KRbvJR8o=" "nix-community.cachix.org-1:mB9FSh9qf2dCimDSUo8Zy7bkq5CX+/rkCWyvRCYg3Fs=" "nixpkgs-unfree.cachix.org-1:hqvoInulhbV4nJ9yJOEr+4wxhDV4xq2d1DK7S6Nj6rs=" "0uptime.cachix.org-1:ctw8yknBLg9cZBdqss+5krAem0sHYdISkw/IFdRbYdE=" ]; }; }; catppuccin.flavor = "macchiato"; catppuccin.enable = true; console.catppuccin.enable = true; home-manager.backupFileExtension = "backup"; users.users.lillian = { isNormalUser = true; extraGroups = ["sudo" "networkmanager" "wheel" "vboxsf" "docker"]; shell = pkgs.zsh; hashedPasswordFile = config.sops.secrets."lillian-password".path; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILhwA+ZdP2tEBYQNdzLHZzFHxocyeqzhXI6tFpaZA3PZ lillian@EDI" "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIH30G2PJOnI6jnAtxOQV0SpLFUva0adarLZLvaoZvjGE lillian@GLaDOS" ]; }; programs.zsh = { enable = true; }; # Enable completion of system packages by zsh environment.pathsToLink = ["/share/zsh"]; users.mutableUsers = false; users.users.root = { hashedPassword = "*"; }; }