stylix might be breaking plasma (or it's plasma itself) so let's use cattpuccin for now instead
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
}: {
{osConfig, ...}: {
home.file.".config/kdeconnect/config" = {
text = ''
@ -143,24 +139,15 @@
"ksmserver"."Reboot Without Confirmation" = "none,,Reboot Without Confirmation";
"ksmserver"."Shut Down" = "none,,Shut Down";
"kwin"."Activate Window Demanding Attention" = "Meta+Ctrl+A";
"kwin"."Cycle Overview" = [];
"kwin"."Cycle Overview Opposite" = [];
"kwin"."Decrease Opacity" = "none,,Decrease Opacity of Active Window by 5%";
"kwin"."Edit Tiles" = "Meta+T";
"kwin"."Expose" = "Ctrl+F9";
"kwin"."ExposeAll" = ["Ctrl+F10" "Launch (C),Ctrl+F10" "Launch (C),Toggle Present Windows (All desktops)"];
"kwin"."ExposeClass" = "Ctrl+F7";
"kwin"."ExposeClassCurrentDesktop" = [];
"kwin"."Grid View" = "Meta+G";
"kwin"."Increase Opacity" = "none,,Increase Opacity of Active Window by 5%";
"kwin"."Kill Window" = "Meta+Ctrl+Esc";
"kwin"."Move Tablet to Next Output" = [];
"kwin"."MoveMouseToCenter" = "Meta+F6";
"kwin"."MoveMouseToFocus" = "Meta+F5";
"kwin"."MoveZoomDown" = [];
"kwin"."MoveZoomLeft" = [];
"kwin"."MoveZoomRight" = [];
"kwin"."MoveZoomUp" = [];
"kwin"."Overview" = "Meta+W";
"kwin"."Setup Window Shortcut" = "none,,Setup Window Shortcut";
"kwin"."Show Desktop" = "Meta+D";
@ -173,136 +160,33 @@
"kwin"."Switch Window Right" = "Meta+Alt+Right";
"kwin"."Switch Window Up" = "Meta+Alt+Up";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 1" = "Ctrl+F1";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 10" = "none,,Switch to Desktop 10";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 11" = "none,,Switch to Desktop 11";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 12" = "none,,Switch to Desktop 12";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 13" = "none,,Switch to Desktop 13";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 14" = "none,,Switch to Desktop 14";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 15" = "none,,Switch to Desktop 15";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 16" = "none,,Switch to Desktop 16";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 17" = "none,,Switch to Desktop 17";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 18" = "none,,Switch to Desktop 18";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 19" = "none,,Switch to Desktop 19";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 2" = "Ctrl+F2";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 20" = "none,,Switch to Desktop 20";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 3" = "Ctrl+F3";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 4" = "Ctrl+F4";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 5" = "none,,Switch to Desktop 5";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 6" = "none,,Switch to Desktop 6";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 7" = "none,,Switch to Desktop 7";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 8" = "none,,Switch to Desktop 8";
"kwin"."Switch to Desktop 9" = "none,,Switch to Desktop 9";
"kwin"."Switch to Next Desktop" = "none,,Switch to Next Desktop";
"kwin"."Switch to Next Screen" = "none,,Switch to Next Screen";
"kwin"."Switch to Previous Desktop" = "none,,Switch to Previous Desktop";
"kwin"."Switch to Previous Screen" = "none,,Switch to Previous Screen";
"kwin"."Switch to Screen 0" = "none,,Switch to Screen 0";
"kwin"."Switch to Screen 1" = "none,,Switch to Screen 1";
"kwin"."Switch to Screen 2" = "none,,Switch to Screen 2";
"kwin"."Switch to Screen 3" = "none,,Switch to Screen 3";
"kwin"."Switch to Screen 4" = "none,,Switch to Screen 4";
"kwin"."Switch to Screen 5" = "none,,Switch to Screen 5";
"kwin"."Switch to Screen 6" = "none,,Switch to Screen 6";
"kwin"."Switch to Screen 7" = "none,,Switch to Screen 7";
"kwin"."Switch to Screen Above" = "none,,Switch to Screen Above";
"kwin"."Switch to Screen Below" = "none,,Switch to Screen Below";
"kwin"."Switch to Screen to the Left" = "none,,Switch to Screen to the Left";
"kwin"."Switch to Screen to the Right" = "none,,Switch to Screen to the Right";
"kwin"."Toggle Night Color" = [];
"kwin"."Toggle Window Raise/Lower" = "none,,Toggle Window Raise/Lower";
"kwin"."Walk Through Desktop List" = [];
"kwin"."Walk Through Desktop List (Reverse)" = [];
"kwin"."Walk Through Desktops" = [];
"kwin"."Walk Through Desktops (Reverse)" = [];
"kwin"."Walk Through Windows" = "Alt+Tab";
"kwin"."Walk Through Windows (Reverse)" = "Alt+Shift+Tab";
"kwin"."Walk Through Windows Alternative" = "none,,Walk Through Windows Alternative";
"kwin"."Walk Through Windows Alternative (Reverse)" = "none,,Walk Through Windows Alternative (Reverse)";
"kwin"."Walk Through Windows of Current Application" = "Alt+`";
"kwin"."Walk Through Windows of Current Application (Reverse)" = "Alt+~";
"kwin"."Walk Through Windows of Current Application Alternative" = "none,,Walk Through Windows of Current Application Alternative";
"kwin"."Walk Through Windows of Current Application Alternative (Reverse)" = "none,,Walk Through Windows of Current Application Alternative (Reverse)";
"kwin"."Window Above Other Windows" = "none,,Keep Window Above Others";
"kwin"."Window Below Other Windows" = "none,,Keep Window Below Others";
"kwin"."Window Close" = "Alt+F4";
"kwin"."Window Fullscreen" = "none,,Make Window Fullscreen";
"kwin"."Window Grow Horizontal" = "none,,Expand Window Horizontally";
"kwin"."Window Grow Vertical" = "none,,Expand Window Vertically";
"kwin"."Window Lower" = "none,,Lower Window";
"kwin"."Window Maximize" = "Meta+PgUp";
"kwin"."Window Maximize Horizontal" = "none,,Maximize Window Horizontally";
"kwin"."Window Maximize Vertical" = "none,,Maximize Window Vertically";
"kwin"."Window Minimize" = "Meta+PgDown";
"kwin"."Window Move" = "none,,Move Window";
"kwin"."Window Move Center" = "none,,Move Window to the Center";
"kwin"."Window No Border" = "none,,Toggle Window Titlebar and Frame";
"kwin"."Window On All Desktops" = "none,,Keep Window on All Desktops";
"kwin"."Window One Desktop Down" = "Meta+Ctrl+Shift+Down";
"kwin"."Window One Desktop Up" = "Meta+Ctrl+Shift+Up";
"kwin"."Window One Desktop to the Left" = "Meta+Ctrl+Shift+Left";
"kwin"."Window One Desktop to the Right" = "Meta+Ctrl+Shift+Right";
"kwin"."Window One Screen Down" = "none,,Move Window One Screen Down";
"kwin"."Window One Screen Up" = "none,,Move Window One Screen Up";
"kwin"."Window One Screen to the Left" = "none,,Move Window One Screen to the Left";
"kwin"."Window One Screen to the Right" = "none,,Move Window One Screen to the Right";
"kwin"."Window Operations Menu" = "Alt+F3";
"kwin"."Window Pack Down" = "none,,Move Window Down";
"kwin"."Window Pack Left" = "none,,Move Window Left";
"kwin"."Window Pack Right" = "none,,Move Window Right";
"kwin"."Window Pack Up" = "none,,Move Window Up";
"kwin"."Window Quick Tile Bottom" = "Meta+Down";
"kwin"."Window Quick Tile Bottom Left" = "none,,Quick Tile Window to the Bottom Left";
"kwin"."Window Quick Tile Bottom Right" = "none,,Quick Tile Window to the Bottom Right";
"kwin"."Window Quick Tile Left" = "Meta+Left";
"kwin"."Window Quick Tile Right" = "Meta+Right";
"kwin"."Window Quick Tile Top" = "Meta+Up";
"kwin"."Window Quick Tile Top Left" = "none,,Quick Tile Window to the Top Left";
"kwin"."Window Quick Tile Top Right" = "none,,Quick Tile Window to the Top Right";
"kwin"."Window Raise" = "none,,Raise Window";
"kwin"."Window Resize" = "none,,Resize Window";
"kwin"."Window Shade" = "none,,Shade Window";
"kwin"."Window Shrink Horizontal" = "none,,Shrink Window Horizontally";
"kwin"."Window Shrink Vertical" = "none,,Shrink Window Vertically";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 1" = "none,,Window to Desktop 1";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 10" = "none,,Window to Desktop 10";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 11" = "none,,Window to Desktop 11";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 12" = "none,,Window to Desktop 12";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 13" = "none,,Window to Desktop 13";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 14" = "none,,Window to Desktop 14";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 15" = "none,,Window to Desktop 15";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 16" = "none,,Window to Desktop 16";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 17" = "none,,Window to Desktop 17";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 18" = "none,,Window to Desktop 18";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 19" = "none,,Window to Desktop 19";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 2" = "none,,Window to Desktop 2";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 20" = "none,,Window to Desktop 20";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 3" = "none,,Window to Desktop 3";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 4" = "none,,Window to Desktop 4";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 5" = "none,,Window to Desktop 5";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 6" = "none,,Window to Desktop 6";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 7" = "none,,Window to Desktop 7";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 8" = "none,,Window to Desktop 8";
"kwin"."Window to Desktop 9" = "none,,Window to Desktop 9";
"kwin"."Window to Next Desktop" = "none,,Window to Next Desktop";
"kwin"."Window to Next Screen" = "Meta+Shift+Right";
"kwin"."Window to Previous Desktop" = "none,,Window to Previous Desktop";
"kwin"."Window to Previous Screen" = "Meta+Shift+Left";
"kwin"."Window to Screen 0" = "none,,Move Window to Screen 0";
"kwin"."Window to Screen 1" = "none,,Move Window to Screen 1";
"kwin"."Window to Screen 2" = "none,,Move Window to Screen 2";
"kwin"."Window to Screen 3" = "none,,Move Window to Screen 3";
"kwin"."Window to Screen 4" = "none,,Move Window to Screen 4";
"kwin"."Window to Screen 5" = "none,,Move Window to Screen 5";
"kwin"."Window to Screen 6" = "none,,Move Window to Screen 6";
"kwin"."Window to Screen 7" = "none,,Move Window to Screen 7";
"kwin"."view_actual_size" = "\\, Meta+0\\, ,Meta+0,Zoom to Actual Size";
"kwin"."view_zoom_in" = ["Meta++" "Meta+=,Meta++" "Meta+=,Zoom In"];
"kwin"."view_zoom_out" = "Meta+-";
"mediacontrol"."mediavolumedown" = [];
"mediacontrol"."mediavolumeup" = "none,,Media volume up";
"mediacontrol"."nextmedia" = "Media Next";
"mediacontrol"."pausemedia" = "Media Pause";
"mediacontrol"."playmedia" = "none,,Play media playback";
"mediacontrol"."playpausemedia" = "Media Play";
"mediacontrol"."previousmedia" = "Media Previous";
"mediacontrol"."stopmedia" = "Media Stop";
@ -317,7 +201,6 @@
"org_kde_powerdevil"."PowerOff" = "Power Off";
"org_kde_powerdevil"."Sleep" = "Sleep";
"org_kde_powerdevil"."Toggle Keyboard Backlight" = "Keyboard Light On/Off";
"org_kde_powerdevil"."Turn Off Screen" = [];
"org_kde_powerdevil"."powerProfile" = ["Battery" "Meta+B,Battery" "Meta+B,Switch Power Profile"];
"plasmashell"."activate application launcher" = ["Meta" "Alt+F1,Meta" "Alt+F1,Activate Application Launcher"];
"plasmashell"."activate task manager entry 1" = "Meta+1";
@ -333,29 +216,18 @@
"plasmashell"."clear-history" = "none,,Clear Clipboard History";
"plasmashell"."clipboard_action" = "Meta+Ctrl+X";
"plasmashell"."cycle-panels" = "Meta+Alt+P";
"plasmashell"."cycleNextAction" = "none,,Next History Item";
"plasmashell"."cyclePrevAction" = "none,,Previous History Item";
"plasmashell"."edit_clipboard" = [];
"plasmashell"."manage activities" = "Meta+Q";
"plasmashell"."next activity" = "\\, \\, ,none,Walk through activities";
"plasmashell"."previous activity" = ",none,Walk through activities (Reverse)";
"plasmashell"."repeat_action" = "Meta+Ctrl+R";
"plasmashell"."show dashboard" = "Ctrl+F12";
"plasmashell"."show-barcode" = "none,,Show Barcode…";
"plasmashell"."show-on-mouse-pos" = "Meta+V";
"plasmashell"."stop current activity" = "Meta+S";
"plasmashell"."switch to next activity" = "none,,Switch to Next Activity";
"plasmashell"."switch to previous activity" = "none,,Switch to Previous Activity";
"plasmashell"."toggle do not disturb" = "none,,Toggle do not disturb";
"services/org.kde.krunner.desktop"."_launch" = ["Alt+Space" "Alt+F2" "Ctrl+Shift+Space" "Search"];
"services/org.kde.plasma-systemmonitor.desktop"."_launch" = "Ctrl+Esc";
"services/org.kde.spectacle.desktop"."ActiveWindowScreenShot" = ["Meta+Print" "Ctrl+!"];
"services/org.kde.spectacle.desktop"."CurrentMonitorScreenShot" = "Ctrl+#";
"services/org.kde.spectacle.desktop"."FullScreenScreenShot" = ["Ctrl+$" "Shift+Print"];
"services/org.kde.spectacle.desktop"."OpenWithoutScreenshot" = "Ctrl+^";
"services/org.kde.spectacle.desktop"."RecordRegion" = [];
"services/org.kde.spectacle.desktop"."RecordScreen" = [];
"services/org.kde.spectacle.desktop"."RecordWindow" = [];
"services/org.kde.spectacle.desktop"."RectangularRegionScreenShot" = ["Ctrl+@" "Meta+Shift+Print"];
"services/org.kde.spectacle.desktop"."WindowUnderCursorScreenShot" = ["Meta+Ctrl+Print" "Ctrl+%"];
"services/org.kde.spectacle.desktop"."_launch" = "Print";
@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
# catppuccin = {
# enable = true;
# flavor = "macchiato";
# foot.enable = false;
# helix.enable = false;
# yazi.enable = false;
# };
catppuccin = {
enable = true;
flavor = "macchiato";
# foot.enable = false;
# helix.enable = false;
# yazi.enable = false;
home.packages = with pkgs; [
# System tools:
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
# };
stylix.enable = true;
# stylix.enable = true;
# = lib.mkForce "kvantum";
# = lib.mkForce "kvantum";
@ -193,7 +193,6 @@
devices.steamdeck = {
enable = true;
autoUpdate = true;
enableGyroDsuService = true;
steamos = {
enableAutoMountUdevRules = true;
@ -67,14 +67,13 @@
# catppuccin = {
# flavor = "macchiato";
# enable = true;
# plymouth.enable = false;
# grub.enable = false;
# };
# console.catppuccin.enable = true;
catppuccin = {
flavor = "macchiato";
enable = true;
tty.enable = true;
# plymouth.enable = false;
# grub.enable = false;
programs.zsh = {
enable = true;
@ -85,55 +84,55 @@
enableBrowserSocket = true;
stylix = {
enable = true;
autoEnable = true;
base16Scheme = {
scheme = "Catppuccin Macchiato";
author = "";
base00 = "24273a";
base01 = "1e2030";
base02 = "363a4f";
base03 = "494d64";
base04 = "5b6078";
base05 = "cad3f5";
base06 = "f4dbd6";
base07 = "b7bdf8";
base08 = "ed8796";
base09 = "f5a97f";
base0A = "eed49f";
base0B = "a6da95";
base0C = "8bd5ca";
base0D = "8aadf4";
base0E = "c6a0f6";
base0F = "f0c6c6";
image = ./background.jpg;
cursor.package = pkgs.catppuccin-cursors.macchiatoMauve;
|||| = "catppuccin-macchiato-mauve-cursors";
homeManagerIntegration.followSystem = true;
fonts = {
serif = {
package = pkgs.dejavu_fonts;
name = "DejaVu Serif";
# stylix = {
# enable = true;
# autoEnable = true;
# base16Scheme = {
# scheme = "Catppuccin Macchiato";
# author = "";
# base00 = "24273a";
# base01 = "1e2030";
# base02 = "363a4f";
# base03 = "494d64";
# base04 = "5b6078";
# base05 = "cad3f5";
# base06 = "f4dbd6";
# base07 = "b7bdf8";
# base08 = "ed8796";
# base09 = "f5a97f";
# base0A = "eed49f";
# base0B = "a6da95";
# base0C = "8bd5ca";
# base0D = "8aadf4";
# base0E = "c6a0f6";
# base0F = "f0c6c6";
# };
# image = ./background.jpg;
# cursor.package = pkgs.catppuccin-cursors.macchiatoMauve;
# = "catppuccin-macchiato-mauve-cursors";
# homeManagerIntegration.followSystem = true;
# fonts = {
# serif = {
# package = pkgs.dejavu_fonts;
# name = "DejaVu Serif";
# };
monospace = {
package = pkgs.dejavu_fonts;
name = "DejaVu Sans Mono";
# monospace = {
# package = pkgs.dejavu_fonts;
# name = "DejaVu Sans Mono";
# };
sansSerif = {
package = pkgs.dejavu_fonts;
name = "DejaVu Sans";
# sansSerif = {
# package = pkgs.dejavu_fonts;
# name = "DejaVu Sans";
# };
emoji = {
package = pkgs.noto-fonts-emoji-blob-bin;
name = "Blobmoji";
# emoji = {
# package = pkgs.noto-fonts-emoji-blob-bin;
# name = "Blobmoji";
# };
# };
# };
fonts.packages = [
Reference in a new issue